Jesus loves you
Welcome 平安!
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission(教會使命)
"Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church" is literally composed by "Seattle", as the geographical name, is the largest city in Washington State and the place that we live. Our daily life is closely related to this place and its culture; "Taiwan" is the root cause of this church and so make this church unique. Conveying and recognition Taiwanese culture are the obsolete tasks for Taiwanese church in the history of Taiwan; and "Church of Christ" proclaims that the most important thing for us to gather together is that we are the people of God with seeking the love, justice and the kingdom of God.
Taiwanese Service 台語禮拜
(with Mandarin translation中文翻譯) :
Sunday Afternoon 2:00 PM
Choir Practice 聖歌隊練習: Sunday 12:30 PM
Sunday School(主日學)
Adult Sunday School 成人主日學:
Children Sunday School 兒童主日學:

Bible Study(團契查經)
Our Bible study offers a Taiwanese setting for learning and discussion.
Contact us for time and details.

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